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Kingston High School

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The safety and well-being of our students is, and will always remain, our utmost priority at North Kitsap School District. Despite our best efforts, accidents can happen, and the subsequent medical treatment can often be expensive.

It's important for families to understand that the District does not cover costs associated with a student's injury at school or during school-related activities, regardless of the location. This includes activities such as school sports or field trips. Any medical expenses arising from such incidents are the responsibility of the student’s family's medical insurance.

Recognizing the high costs and complexities of acquiring medical insurance, we have taken steps to assist our students and families. North Kitsap School District has partnered with Myers-Stevens & Toohey & Co, a well-established student medical insurance administrator, to provide an affordable, optional student accident/sickness insurance program.

A variety of plans are available, with rates that apply for the entire school year (August 1st to July 31st annually). If your student is not currently covered by family medical insurance, or if your existing family medical plan has high deductibles or co-pays, this coverage may be beneficial. It can also serve to supplement existing coverage, especially for families with students participating in school sports to potentially avoid high costs of sports-related injuries. For students participating in tackle football, please note that the Student Accident & Sickness plan does NOT cover this activity. A separate Tackle Football Accident Insurance is required for tackle football coverage.

Enrolling in the program is easy. Visit the following link:

Enter your zip code, select North Kitsap School District from the drop-down, followed by your student’s school. You can then select the most suitable plan for your student and make a direct payment to Meyers-Stevens & Toohey.

You may enroll your student at any point during the year, but note that all plans start on August 1st (or the day you pay for coverage if after August 1st) and end on July 31st of each school year. To maximize the value, we recommend enrolling earlier in the school year.

Should you have questions about claims or the insurance, please reach out directly to the specific organizations. The school district and its employees are not parties to the contract. We strongly encourage you to review this information to determine the most suitable insurance plan for your child. For questions regarding the plans, please call Myers-Stevens & Toohey at (800) 827-4695, where Spanish speaking representatives are available.

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